GRACE DANE MAZUR was born in Boston, Mass.
She is the author of
The Garden Party (novel)
Trespass (novel)
Silk (short fiction)
Hinges: Meditations on the Portals of the Imagination (non-fiction)
After studying painting and ceramics at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, she went to Harvard University for her BA and PhD in Biology. She was a postdoctoral research fellow in the Biological Laboratories at Harvard working on morphogenesis and micro-architecture in silkworms when she began writing fiction and finally left the laboratory completely. She received her MFA from the Program for Writers at Warren Wilson. She served as fiction editor at Harvard Review and at Tupelo Press. She has taught at Harvard College, Harvard Extension School, Emerson College, and the MFA Program for Writers at Warren Wilson. She lives in Cambridge and Westport Massachusetts with her husband, the mathematician Barry Mazur.